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Mug club

To renew online, click the logo. Or scroll down for FAQs.


mug club faq

Click a question to see the answer.

1. When does my membership renew?

Memberships renew in either January, May, or September - depending on the start date. You received a welcome email when your membership started, which tells you the renewal month.

If you can't find that email, request your renewal info here.

You have until the last day of that month to renew.

2. Will you tell me when my membership is up for renewal?

Yes! We'll send you an email when your renewal month arrives. If you don't renew from that email prompt, we'll also send you a text message and put a note in your mug.

3. I'm worried that I missed my renewal date, what do I do?

Don't worry! We try to hold your membership as long as possible in case this happens. Send us a message here and we'll check the status of your membership.

4. Can I renew someone else's membership for them?

Yes, as long as you have their Mug Club number.

5. Can I renew in person instead of online?

It is strongly preferred that you renew online. If you can't do this for some reason, we can make an acception. Send us a message here to discuss.